
Today’s consumers are more socially connected than ever before. With Facebook’s population at roughly 1.5 billion monthly active users, this social giant’s user base has grown more populous than the country of China.


Other top social platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn have followed suit. And, our hyper-connected marketplace has produced an explosion of content. As marketers vie for attention among so much noise, consumers are overwhelmed with images and sales pitches. FastCompany tells us that the average consumer sees >5,000 ads each day! How can a brand stand out today given that:

  • Around the world, two blogs are created every second. @BryanKramer
  • Over 80 billion business emails are sent every week. @Mashable
  • The amount of content we’ve seen will double in the next year. @BryanKramer

This past weekend, LinkConnector’s Director of Marketing, Jackie Bates and’s General Manager of eCommerce, Helen Fang co-presented on a critical and trending topic at Affiliate Summit West 2016—how to Humanize Marketing to Drive Brand & SEO. has been building their brand for over 17 years, yet still was challenged to stand out in a space filled with highly commoditized offers. Helen stepped through how humanized their brand to meet that challenge.

This is where brands and their marketers should take note: Yes, you have so much more power to connect, but IT IS WRONG to think you can simply pour your presence into every channel available and expect a return on investment. People are already numb to that approach.Christoph Becker, Adweek

Jackie and Helen introduced a simple, effective strategy for companies to stand out; to build defensible brand equity today and succeed. To humanize your marketing, you must make your marketing LIV:

  • Listen
  • Interact
  • go Viral demonstrated how they made their marketing “LIV,” and humanized their brand by by creating a digital magazine called The Good Stuff—a resource to inform and inspire consumers on ways to save money. Helen presented a mini case study describing how they engaged the human element of its already well-established brand to connect with customers and ultimately increase traffic and conversions.

Session attendees were in agreement: Companies who are able to genuinely connect with their customers will have a strategic advantage.

The presentation also covered the topic of SEO today. With key SEO factors like trust, authority, engagement and reputation, we see that increasingly, SEO is more about building relationships than technical strategies.

Learn more about the LIV marketing strategy and the best ways to humanize your brand to stand out and garner more long term SEO value through the full session video—coming soon on

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