Our industry is two weeks into ITP 2.0 and its potential effects on Affiliate Marketing tracking. Adoption of Safari 12 has been rapid with LinkConnector (LC) observing 25% of Safari users are now on version 12 where ITP 2.0 is in effect. Based on historical adoption rates as reported by StatCounter, version 12 should hit a 50% adoption rate within a couple of weeks and be well over 60% for most of Q4 2018.
When Safari 12 was released on September 17, 2018, over 50% of LC’s merchants were in a favorable position to not feel the effects of ITP 2.0 since they already had LC’s most current version of our Universal Tracking Solution (UTS). Over the past two weeks, LC’s team members have been working hard with our merchant partners and have increased this number to over 80%.
Almost all of the remaining 20% of merchants are actively working to upgrade their LC tracking to eliminate the effects of Apple’s ITP 2.0 changes. LC expects this number to approach zero within a couple of weeks.
A BIG kudos to LinkConnector’s merchants and employees who have diligently prioritized efforts to successfully minimize the effects of this industry-wide shift in tracking.
Read more about LinkConnector’s tracking solutions enabling affiliate programs to be Safari ITP 2.0 compliant: http://blog.linkconnector.com/technology/safaris-itp-2-0-program-ready/.