
NYMO & Co. connects ecommerce brands with customers through strategic content partnerships.

2024 feels like it’s flying by at lightning speed, and many affiliate program managers are surely beginning to get that anxious feeling in their stomachs. As the ever-important holiday season races towards us, seasoned affiliate marketers know that you can’t wait until the last minute to get your Q4 game plan in place. The time to start preparing an effective strategy is now!

Consider this – In 2023, online shoppers spent $38 billion total during Cyber Week (the five-day period from Thanksgiving to Cyber Monday). This was a 7.8% year-over-year increase from 2022, and these figures are only expected to rise further in 2024.1 With this in mind, early and thorough affiliate program planning is imperative to take advantage of the holiday bump and ensure that you’re not leaving any potential profits on the table.

For merchants who are struggling to get a program started or simply don’t have the manpower or resources to fully manage a program effectively in-house, an affiliate marketing agency can be the perfect solution. In LinkConnector’s Spotlight series, we shine a light on some of our favorite affiliate marketing agency partners that are working wonders for brands all over the world.

If you’re itching to move the needle and create or scale your own affiliate program in anticipation of Q4, look no further than this month’s featured agency, NYMO & Co., a trusted consultancy with extensive experience and all the right tools to deliver strong, effective partnerships and maximum profits in 2024 and well beyond.

NYMO was founded in 2017 by industry veteran Marshall Nyman with the goal of helping emerging brands grow. This boutique agency brings a consultant-style approach and leverages a content-first strategy to drive new traffic. The company provides full-service affiliate management with a focus on DTC brands looking to scale their affiliate efforts. We recently caught up with Marshall to hear his performance marketing insights and learn how NYMO & Co. connects ecommerce brands with customers through strategic content partnerships.

Tell us about the services that NYMO & Co. offers? 

MN: NYMO & Co. offers full-service affiliate management for brands looking to scale their affiliate marketing efforts. 

How does NYMO & Co. set itself apart with its affiliate management services? 

MN: NYMO & Co. sets itself apart by offering a content-based approach to its offering. We are a boutique agency that acts as a consultancy, becoming an extension of the brand’s team. Trust and transparency are at the core of what we do to make sure every client has a positive experience in the channel. We leverage our deep experience in the space and strong publisher relationships to provide maximum performance for our clients.

“Being able to lead a team of employees that can do their best work Whenever, However, and Wherever is what excites me most about NYMO & Co. and our future!”
– Marshall Nyman, Founder

What are some common affiliate marketing pitfalls to avoid? 

MN: The number one thing I see is that most brands don’t have an actual affiliate strategy outside of growing revenue and total partners. Brands need a distinct strategy with each partner type to leverage the results they are looking for. Too often brands have every publisher under the sun in the program set to the same rate without optimizing towards their goals. Brands should get really creative with how they offer commissions and look to incentivize publishers to drive maximum results.

Marshall Nyman (left) dropping knowledge at PI LIVE USA.

It’s easy to get stuck in the trap of more publishers are better, but instead focus on strategizing with a few specific publishers that drive new customers, high order values, or conversion. When working with a smaller subset of publishers you are able to offer them more value in exchange for the partnership, which can lead to a more fruitful partnership.

Who is the ideal NYMO & Co. client? 

MN: We love working with brands that either have no affiliate program or an immature program, which means they don’t have the right partners in place, the right strategy, and/or the right team. We work with direct-to-consumer brands that are in their earlier stages and looking to ramp up their marketing efforts. Categories that we are very experienced in are Lifestyle, Home Goods, Beauty, Health, Luxury, Kitchenware, Bedding/Mattress, Baby, Pet, and Tech Accessories. We especially enjoy working with mission-led brands that are looking to shake up the industry, just like NYMO & Co.

What affiliate marketing trends did you see in the first half of 2024 that have you excited or concerned? 

MN: The biggest trend we are seeing is a shift in publisher strategies. With the changes in Google’s algorithm, we are seeing publishers look to diversify their traffic sources outside of search. Publishers are leaning into TikTok, Reddit, email, ChatGPT, and other sources to drive new traffic. It is both concerning and exciting at the same time. The concern is that publishers are losing a way to generate traffic, but it’s exciting since it is forcing the industry to evolve and find new ways to do affiliate marketing! The channel always finds a way to evolve and stay relevant regardless of industry changes. Change just means new opportunities for publishers and brands.

What most excites you about the future of NYMO & Co.? 

Michelle Kalinowski (left) and Ally Chamberlain (second from left) of NYMO & Co. with LinkConnector’s Choots Humphries (second from right) and Tara McCommons (right).

MN: We are building something that allows people to do their best work Whenever, However, and Wherever. When I started NYMO I was feeling burnout and tired of the way many companies operated. I wanted to create something that allowed people to work wisely. Family, flexibility, and the ability to travel have always been instrumental to my success. Knowing that employees can work how they see fit is deeply tied to our culture. I recently spent two months of the summer abroad working and the ability to travel with a flexible work environment is what energizes me. I know employees do their best work when they feel empowered to live their lives. Everyone has real priorities outside of work and when employees feel empowered to take care of those things, they bring their best selves to work. Giving employees the ability to take care of a family emergency, work out, get outside for a walk, or just take care of something that is sitting on their to-do list is important to me. We all carry a lot of work trauma, and I am trying to create an environment where employees don’t feel like someone is over their shoulder. Being able to lead a team of employees who can do their best work Whenever, However, and Wherever is what excites me most about NYMO & Co. and our future!

“Trust and transparency are at the core of what we do to make sure every client has a positive experience in the channel. We leverage our deep experience in the space and strong publisher relationships to provide maximum performance for our clients.
– Marshall Nyman, Founder

Tell us a bit about your Performance Marketing Spotlight podcast.

MN: The Performance Marketing Spotlight is a podcast I started last year to highlight some of the industry’s brightest stars. Everyone has a great story and I wanted to give people the opportunity to share it. Sometimes people may feel like they are not on the right path and feel discouraged about their career. To hear from industry vets about their ups and downs helps people realize their careers are not linear. Most of the guests have started out in very random fields and ended up in affiliate marketing by chance. My goal was to help educate the space on what someone’s journey could look like and provide inspiration to anyone who listens in. It is also an opportunity for the guest to share where they are currently working and how that can fit into your affiliate marketing strategy. If you haven’t had a chance to listen in, the podcast is on Spotify and Apple.

Get the conversation started with NYMO & Co!

If you’re a brand that is ready to launch an affiliate marketing program, needs to reduce high agency fees, looking for a content-first approach strategy, or are ready to get more out of the affiliate channel, Marshall and his team would love to connect with you to discuss potential solutions. Click the button below to schedule a free consultation with NYMO & Co!

The NYMO & Co. Team
The NYMO & Co. Team

About Marshall Nyman

Marshall Nyman is the Founder and CEO of NYMO & Co., a boutique affiliate marketing agency that helps emerging brands grow. He is also the host of the Performance Marketing Spotlight podcast where industry veterans share their experience in the affiliate marketing space. In 2011 Marshall moved to New York City to get his start in the performance marketing world at a startup affiliate network. Four years later he would end up in Los Angeles at Onestop, a full-service ecommerce agency, where Marshall ran affiliate campaigns for premium fashion brands.

In 2017 Marshall launched NYMO with his first client and the goal of helping serve early-stage startups interested in leveraging affiliate marketing. focuses on a content-based approach to its partnerships to maximize brand awareness and new customer acquisition.  Marshall is based in Los Angeles with his wife Olympia and children Myla, Oriana, and Morty. He enjoys the outdoors, travel, music, cooking, and basketball.

Tune in to the Performance Marketing Spotlight Podcast

The Performance Marketing Spotlight, hosted by Marshall Nyman, brings key figures from the affiliate marketing space to share their experiences and insights. The podcast focuses on all things performance marketing such as affiliate networks, publishers, advertisers, agencies, content, PR, and technology. Each episode dives into ways you can improve and maximize your affiliate program.

Need somewhere to start? Check out Episode 13 (Apple / Spotify), featuring LinkConnector’s own Tara McCommons (VP, Sales & Marketing).

Performance Marketing Spotlight Podcast with Marshall Nyman

Follow NYMO & Co. on Social Media

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